Thursday, October 31, 2019
Business Communication 2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Business Communication 2 - Assignment Example The facilitation of nonverbal communication is featured by the use of gestures, body language, facial expression of eye contact etc. Besides these features, the prospect of one person’s speech being different from another by way of voice, style and stress also constitutes to the functioning of nonverbal communication. Similarly, even in written format of communication, there are certain features like handwriting, organization of sentences and the word selection can altogether constitute an insignia of a person’s nonverbal communication elements. The following paragraphs give a clear-cut ideal of the scope, function and practical application of nonverbal communication in different spheres of life. It is also essential to recognize the prominence of the seven aspects of this model of contact between people such as paralanguage, body language, environment, distance, touch, time and eye contact has to be clearly evaluated for their use and management in the practical applic ation of nonverbal communication. Managing nonverbal communication Managing communication in the absence of words is arguably one of the most challenging tasks for the managers of organized groups. It is equally important to manage the feelings and their reflections in the daily life of individuals. There can be many examples of the regular life of individuals in which they have to adopt the process of nonverbal communication aspects. Sometimes a look or a gesture does the role of a great command. In other contexts, body language or time set for a regular action can influence the stakeholders of the process of exchange of information. There can be certain references to prove that the use of words and their pronunciation doubtlessly making the communication easier and more cognitive; however, the transfer of feelings and intellectual significance of a conversation or relationship between individuals is influenced more by non-verbal communication channels than the routine voice based elements. For instance, as Soon (2012) points out, a meeting of two people is specifically garnished by their shaking each other’s hands or by a hugging; in either case, the process of the meeting commences with the routine greeting of the time covering that meeting. From a certain angle of view, it is visibly annoying to find that the absence of such a physical endorsement of feelings makes the communication less effective. In order to manage the communication using the nonverbal media, the communicator has to effectively analyze and make use of his body language, touch and vocal qualities with the careful concern for time, space and situations. Moreover, it may also be regulated and empowered by the use of symbols and graphic pictures developed by the modern technology such as printed documents, visual projects and placards etc (Pecha Kucha 6 minutes 40 seconds). The functional success of a nonverbal medium is directly connected to time and environment at which it is used. If a person winks an eye at a stranger as a gesture of information transfer, it becomes provoking sometimes to the opposite person. For another instance, the combined atmosphere and distance effect in a nonverbal communication event matters to a great extent in the completion of a meaningful transfer of information. In military operations and surgical or scientific experimental environments, the need for gestures as a device is necessary; and the right cognitive effect of this is analysed by the timing of such
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Male Intimacy Friendship Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Male Intimacy Friendship - Article Example Studies conducted recently have shown that men usually do not have same-sex friendships that are satisfying as the ones of the women. Michael McGill adds to this by saying that to say men possess no intimate friends appear too harsh on the surface, but the data indicate that it is almost the truth†¦their relationships with the other men are superficial even shallow. It has been noted that intimacy is absent in the connection of friendships found among men and they are dissatisfied with these types of friendships. This article explores the intimacy concept particularly among the adult male friendships by examining comradeship, which is a form of male friendship. Strikwerda further gives an account of both the nature and value of intimacy and the obstacles to it followed by a focus on the intimacy process. Male friendships are compared to the friendship of young children engaging in a parallel play. The individuals do not really interact but merely play at a side-by-side distance. This type of companionship is very enjoyable but lacks intimacy. This friendship is not impoverished, but the truth is that if more is invested in it then it will lead to hunger for something more.aring of given kinds of experiences examples being the ones during those of soldiers in trenches, teenage boy, and sailors on a voyage, and this type of friendship provides a mutual self-disclosure occasion among the males. A characteristic that is highlighted to play a vital role in comradeship is loyalty. The war situation depicts the comrades’ loyalty as being abstract and not personal terms. Gray is quoted to say that comrades become loyal to each other in a spontaneous manner, and with no need for the reasons. He further argues that the loyalty, however, is fragile because it is not connected necessarily to the feeling of one belonging and spontaneous liking.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Porters Diamond Theory Analysis
Porters Diamond Theory Analysis CRITICALLY ANALYSE PORTERS DIAMOND THEORY. APPLY IT TO EXPLAIN THE INTERNATIONAL COMPETITIVENESS OF AN INDUSTRY OF YOUR HOME COUNTRY. Overview of Porters theoretical perspective The theory of Porter is a study which works as a tradition that is related to the neo-classical economics with the nature of self adjusting nature of markets. The theory of Porter places innovation and industrialisation of geographic which is one of the number of theories for competitive advantages which aims at the process and development (OConnell et al., 1997). The industries which work within the nations are focused by the Porters theory. Competitive advantage is given by the home nation with certain characteristics and concentration of geographic and this process is enhanced by the rivalries. The systemic character of the Porters Diamond Model is shown in Figure 1 which outlines the components of it. Although, determinant of diamond theory interact each other but the systemic natures variable in diamond theory. The arguments on two elements are raised by the Porter which are concentration of industry geographic and the domestic rivalry and these two elements has simply a great power to make a system by changing this diamond. It promotes the entire national diamond upgrading because of this domestic rivalry. The Porter theory translates it into system because of its magnifying principle of the interactions in the geographic concentration. The final stage of the Diamond Porters Model is the linkage between the industries and it promotes clustering to the systemic nature (Clancy, 1999). Competitive Advantage, Marketing and Porter: Any firm which achieve success is known as Competitive advantage which is not a domain of any of the single academic discipline in it. Thus through a review which reveals that marketing plays a central role in building up a competitive advantage. A number of popular approaches include: strong market positions with products and services are not easily substituted, entry- barriers, strong bargaining position, balanced portfolios; mobility barriers; core competencies, innovation and speed or time based competition (Eccles and Nohria, 1992). Here security in market positions, maintains the stable flow and enhance the emphasis of predominance. As per within the organisations, competitive advantages is first related to the marketing function. The work of Michael Porter exaggerated marketing as an extensive in order to address competitive advantage. Porters five model (Porter, 1985) provides the basis for structural analysis of industries in most texts (Baker, 1992; Bradley, 1995). The doma in of macro- economists was aimed in such a way that was highly popularised by the Porters model, mainly the study of competitiveness. This shows that the study of firm advantage needs to take place in the context of a national environment. The name Diamond was tagged for four determinants (and 2 exogenous variables) which was conceptualised by the national environment. Thus, increasingly, marketing courses and texts incorporate the diamond as part of the analysis of industry (Baker, 1992). The important innovation in Porters work for business researchers across various sectors is a translation into a framework of ideas and concepts from different fields. The dynamic and evolutionary view represents the model as the creation of firm advantage depending upon a number of traditions; for example- the theory is based upon the resource and industrial organisational economics. Porter not only provides a point of reference for analysing the research but also a model for strategy research. Analysis with Porters Diamond Framework: The enabling environment providing the competitiveness only helps the firms to leverage its competitive advantage whose are supporting the activities of the firms. Porters Diamond theory reflected all these fundamental concepts in its model and in every question put by the Porter lies under the elements which are categories under four in his model. He considered that the companys analysis should not be done by the approach of backward looking but should be considered by the view of looking forward. But this forward looking approach creates an idealistic scenario rather creating of an realistic approach. Although taking into consideration the future perspective, an assumption is being mounted by Porter, the Diamond Model functionality accommodates experiences of the past which indicates the flexibility. Thus, the model is created considering the perspective to be balanced which combines the past experiences with the future expectations. In the four elements of the analysis one more el ement Government is added as this element plays a vital role in competitive environment nationally for the industry. Indian Shrimp Industry on Porters Framework: In the world of Shrimp productions India occupies top five positions. After china in the production of aquaculture it is the second largest producer of aquaculture. Contribution of aquaculture is 21.56% by volume and by value its 49.76% of overall seafood export production whereas by volume of farmed shrimps it contributes 76% and 83% by value of exports of shrimps (Rajitha et al., 2006). The current exploitation for shrimp farming in India is only 16% which is out of 1.2 million hectors are available for farming. In the country 90% of the shrimp farming are owned by the farmers of small and marginal levels. The black tiger shrimp is the major cultured spices (Penaeus Monodon). According to the research 58% of the total export values, in the export basket frozen shrimps is the largest items, of which the cultured shrimp shares above 80% (MPEDA, 2006). With the help of Diamond model of Porters the national competitive environment and the Indian shrimp industry van be assessed and is p resented in Figure 1. Strategies of Firm, Rivalry and Structure: The farmers, exports and processors and the allied players are comprised under the Indian shrimp industry. 30 million is the capacity of production average in hatcheries of over 290 shrimp and 30 feed mills with a installed capacity of total annually of 250,000 metric tonnes. From a area of brackish water production of shrimp in India is 1, 43,000 metric tonne within a field of 140,000 hectares (MPEDA, 2006). In the mid 1980s the production of shrimp farming started in India and there is a rapid growth of cultured farming of shrimp through 1990s (Kumar et al, 2004). Only 2.0 hectare area of water is own by the more than 90% of the aqua farmers. In the country farms below 5.0 hectare of the total shrimp area farms occupies 65%. Among the 500 leading companies in India only 10 companies are involved in aquaculture. These 10 companies occupies 1898 hectare of land, of which shrimp farms contributes 758 hectares. The water spread in total is constituted just 0.54% of this which is out of the 140,936 hectare in country is developed for culture of shrimps. On the front of the processor, there could be an either exporter only or the processor cum exporter. The Indian shrimp company has most marginal players except the large player handful. The Indian company of shrimps does not seen interested in foreign investors except Thailand. Except few of the companies like the ITC, Hindustan Liver Ltd etc. most of the companies are oriented family based. The growth which has evolved from the last few decades created this situation. The holdings on an Average basis are small and policy meyaking is fragmented and difficult to make implementations. Factor Conditions: The entire coastal belt of India comprises of 369 freezing plants which are spread over these belts in which India has a v well developed infrastructure. The processing of fish is mainly from exports. India needs to develop its infrastructure for maintaining the quality for leading in the processing facilities. In India one can reduce the production cost easily because of the availability of the cheap labour for the shrimp which is one the amongst all the shrimp producing countries. The women workers are mostly more recruited in shrimp industries because of the dealt skilful hands of the womens workers. Although these womens are not professionally trained but learn how to do the work after bringing them into the factories. The two of the most important factors are rendered in a scenario of flexibility which are support and labour and development support- which are required for the technology development and advancement of knowledge which are presented for good measure. Demand Conditions: According to Porter (1990) one can be demanding if the buyers have an international outlook with the home base buyers. Their demands are really sophisticated and demanding. They need the product to be highly standardised and need to be full of quality. In India, these kind of businesses like exports and marine exports does not exist. These kinds of reasons are responsible for which India does not able to value chain move up. Customers export bulk quantities from India for shrimps and sold it to the other destinations after repackaging like USA, Europe and Japan. Retail packaging is different from export packaging in bulk. After Thailand, India is the second largest shrimps exporter in the world but shrimps of India does not able to create its own brand like Thailand in the global markets. Therefore, the exporters get little exposures because of the less demanding market and hence cannot get the proper international exposure to compete in the international conditions. This lead to the opportunities to be limited and limited challenges in an international competition to understand. In this conditions, exporter just follow certain forms of rules for exports, starts losing the opportunities but learns new facets about international trade and tries to spread the business. Government Interventions: The support and government intervention to the shrimp industry generally comes majorly through Marine Products Export Development Authority (MPEDA) especially for exports, under the government under industries of India and Ministry of Commerce and some of institutions of marine research. The policies related to export are recommended by MPEDA to the Commerce Ministry of the central government and the decisions foe the policies are taken by the MPEDA. In financial institutions this body acts like a liaison agency between prawn and shrimps stakeholders and farmers entrepreneurs and farmers etc. Conclusion: In the conclusion, it is clearly indicated that the government intervention plays a significant element for the study as Porter considered this element to be the choice of optimism. The developing countries generally face these kinds of scenarios. The concepts like international success, national environment and the competitiveness are the concepts who have references of several parameters. Although to understand these kinds of parameters, the theory of flexibility is useful but somehow Porters Diamond Theory also suggests about these parameters. The research showed data about the shrimp industry of India with their business environments. The importance of this essay limits only to the shrimp industry, preliminary understanding of competitiveness of shrimps to various export sectors of India. This competitiveness is in the context of environments to be taken nationally. The scope for the future research is based on the detailed empirical research in the context of diamond model analysis.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Human Evolution Essay -- Biology Papers
Human Evolution Human evolution is the biological and cultural development of humans. A human is any member of the species Homo sapiens, meaning "wise man." Since at least the Upper Paleolithic era, some 40,000 years ago, every human society has devised a creation myth to explain how humans came to be. Creation myths are based on cultural beliefs that have been adopted as a legitimate explanation by a society as to where we came from. The science of paleoanthropology, which also tries to create a narrative about how humans came to be, is deeply technical. Paleoantropology is the science of the evolution of humans, and it is the base of all research in that field. Humans have undergone many different changes during the last hundred million years, and it is the paleoanthropologist's job to identify and explain these changes. In this research paper I will examine: human physical traits that define their species, human origins from pre-humans to modern humans, major discoveries and the history of human evolution, and what the future may hold as far as evolution for the human species. Homo sapiens are the only living representative of the family Hominidae. The Hominidae, or hominids are a group of upright walking primates with relatively large brains. So all humans are hominids, but not all hominids could be called human. Next all humans are primates. The mammalian order of primates includes about 180 species of prosimians (lemur like animals), monkeys, apes, and ourselves. Primates are unusual mammals for they have evolved such distinctive traits as highly developed binocular vision, mobile fingers and toes with flat nails instead of claws, a shortened snout with a reduced sense of smell, and large brains relative to body siz... ...hat the species is "going somewhere" under natural selection and then describe how most successful species are stable through their geological lifetimes. Furthermore, given the relative pace of cultural change and lack of isolation of human populations, there is little chance for a new different human species. Modern understanding of human evolution rests on known fossils, but the picture is far from complete. Only future fossil discoveries will enable scientists to fill many of the blanks in the present picture of human evolution. Employing sophisticated technological devices as well as the accumulated knowledge of the patterns of geological deposition, anthropologists are now able to pinpoint the most promising locations for fossil hunting more accurately. In the years ahead this will result in an enormous increase in the understanding of human biological history.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Advantages of Technical Education Essay
It is appropriate for me to seize this opportunity to speak a couple of words on the need to expand Technical Education in the country. In Sri Lanka, technical education began in the 1890s with the establishment of the Colombo Technical College, which, as Government Department, functioned to cater to certain requirements of such Government Departments as Public Works, Railways and Irrigation. Technical Education, because of this limited focus, did not expand in the colonial period; it was after independence an attempt was made to start engineering courses. With the establishment of the University of Ceylon, an Engineering Degree course was started. In the sixties, a network of Technical Colleges came into existence but they taught only trade and craft courses. What the country needed was an Institute which could career to the middle level needs in the field of technical knowledge. Such middle level technical know-how was necessary for the country to undertake development; industry was expanding and new development corporations came into being, and such institutions, in addition to engineers, wanted middle level technical expertise. The Expansion Since there was no organization to produce such men, the Government of the day wanted us to examine the possibility of setting up a Technological Institute which is capable of producing middle level technicians in areas relevant to development. Ampara Hardy Institute, German Technical Institute and the HNDE courses have become popular, and they produced employable technicians who found employment. It was in this background that we established the Sri Lanka Institute of Advanced Technological Education (SLIATE) which is now emerging as a centre of excellence in the area of Technological Studies in the country, and its provincial centres have become attractive centres of learning. All students, who pass the Advanced Level examination cannot enter the Universities, and they need to be given opportunities in the field of higher education. This Institute has 18 branches throughout the country which could provide educational opportunities to a large group of students; today this kind of qualification could be easily marketed in a highly competitive world and the middle level technician is as important as a qualified engineer. The Government, based on the Mahinda Chintana strategy on higher education, proposes to develop the SLIATE into a centre of excellence, and we are receiving substantial foreign assistance for the improvement of the Institute. In my view, Sri Lankan higher education institutions need foreign assistance and partnerships to meet the international competition in the Higher Education market. Today the world has become globalized, and in such a context, whatever changes we make, we need to look from the point of view of global considerations. The multiple demands of economic and social development, specially in the context of Sri Lanka, needs diverse tertiary institutions, and the SLIATE, with its network of colleges specializing in technical subjects, can provide the State with middle level technically trained personnel. The very existence of the SLIATE shows that the country needs an education system with increased differentiation; in other words, the development of non-university institutions like higher technological colleges can help meet the growing social demand for higher education. Those students, who fail to find places within the formal University system, need to be provided with opportunities in the technical education sector, and it is through such diversification of higher educational institutions that access to tertiary education can be improved; today nearly 210,000 students sit the Advanced Level examination, out of which nearly 120,000 students qualify to enter the Universities but the annual intake to Universities is restricted to less than 20,000. This is a major problem in the system, and this question has to be immediately addressed. The Government has adopted two strategies; one is to get a sizable section into the Technical education sector, and the rest has been given an opportunity to make use of the Distance Mode. I would like to refer to the expansion of the Open University and the effective use of the external degrees formula. It is through enrollment in non-university institutions that the problems relating to access could be solved. For instance, in East Asia, the average annual growth of University enrollment was 11 percent between 1975 and 1980 and 6 percent between 1980-1988, as compared with 24 and 10 percent for non-University institutions in the same period. Several types of non-University institutions, similar to the SLIATE, have evolved in various countries to expand higher educational opportunities for those who aspire to get into the system. For example, Poly- Technics, Professional and Technical Institutes, Community Colleges and Institutions offering Distance Education. Need for Diversification In the Sri Lankan context, we cannot totally depend on the traditional system of University education. It has served a good purpose, and it is still serving a purpose; in my view, the immediate need is to diversify the tertiary education system with an emphasis on technical and vocational education. In terms of cost, they are low cost programmes and the country can afford such a network of colleges which could provide them with a qualification and training, with which a person can find employment. The emphasis on scholastic education, which began with the establishment of the University College in 1921, needs to be transformed, and the young men and women, who now seek a qualification to get employment, should be encouraged to get a Technical qualification from an Institute like the SLIATE. It is the policy of the Government is to develop the SLIATE into a centre of excellence, it is not a mere Technical College, it is a special kind of Technological Institute, the products of which can make a vital contribution to the process of economic and social development. Technical education, like University education, should become an integral aspect of the development process in the country. Only an Institute of this nature, with varied products of highly skilled labour, which can respond to labour market demands in a country. The reason is that such an Institute can operate multi-disciplinary programmes in various technical fields and the SLIATE is doing exactly that. What needs to be done is to produce all types of skilled labour which a market economy needs; in other words, what the industry needs has to be produced. In Singapore, the employment prospects for graduates of Polytechnics are so good that many talented students seek entry into the vocationally-oriented Polytechnics rather than regular academic programme conducted by the Universities. In my view, the development of the SLIATE is certain to create a similar intellectual culture in the country. Let me make use of this opportunity to speak a couple of words on the role of the teacher. I was a University teacher for more than thirty years. I want all these young men and women to be good teachers, dedicated to the function of teaching. One has to be a dedicated teacher who set an example to the student community; you must be able to command respect among the student community, for which you need an intellectual personality. You need to be an intellectual-cum-teacher and then only you can attract the attention of the student community. Above all, you need to be a man of character. In the final analysis, you are members of the intellectual community of this country, and it is the intellectual community, for that matter in any country, which provides the leadership for the transformation of a society.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Globalization to Beat Inequality Essay
Indeed, globalization is the most popular trend in international economics. Increasing integration of world markets and exchanges of information and technology are definitely expected to help the least developed nations, thereby bridging the gap between the haves and the have-nots. Thus, the thesis of Bhagwati’s (2004) book, In Defense of Globalization – that, in fact, globalization helps the poorest people of the world – must be agreed with. After all, foreign direct investments are an extraordinary boost for the economies of the developing world. Moreover, by importing and exporting more goods and services than before, a developing nation may very well increase its income and also improve the standard of living of its peoples. It is generally believed that an increase in international trade is accompanied by an increase in income inequality, seeing that the majority of the people in developing nations are poor and cannot afford to purchase relatively expensive foreign goods in the local market, nor form gigantic enterprises to sell to the foreign public. Furthermore, globalization involves the risk of foreign companies taking advantage of the undeveloped regulatory structures in developing nations. As an example, a foreign water company in Argentina, after the mass privatization of Argentinian business, was said to have been very ethical before it entered Argentina. The company had connections with France and the United States. All the same, the company turned to poor service in Argentina soon after privatization. The water company was eventually taken over by the Argentinian government for its careless, irresponsible behavior (Hacher 2007). If managed correctly, though, globalization is expected to help our world in significant ways. The famous observation of Friedman (2000) must also be considered in this analysis: â€Å"No two countries with McDonald’s have fought a war against each other since each got its McDonald’s. †Indeed, peace is conducive to global economic growth. But, so is equality. Even though the gap between the haves and the have-nots has been widening in recent years, good management of globalization may work wonders for the global economy. The World Trade Organization protests globalization on behalf of the poor nations. As an effect of globalization, the developing nations – just because they are doing business with the richer ones – are asked to accept the standards of environmental and labor protection that only the rich nations are able to afford at this point in time. Seeing that one of the accompaniments to globalization is acceleration, the World Trade Organization wants to emphasize that developing nations must be given more time to adjust to change. The fact that these nations require more time to adjust to change is illustrated by the experience of India with respect to child labor law. In point of fact, child labor law in India took a long time to be developed. The law was implemented at various levels over the course of many years, the reason being that India required children to work in its factories because of the Indian economy’s dependency on cheap labor. Besides, the parents of Indian children who worked could not afford to support their children that did not work (Pandey 2006). The debate over agricultural trade is by and large the most important issue for the World Trade Organization to deal with. Pitting rich nations against the poor, the debate emphasizes that the world’s poorest nations have few exports to offer besides basic agricultural products. Given that international trade is a necessity in today’s internationalized world, developing nations must compete against the giant nations, such as the United States and Japan. Developed nations support farmers with subsidies. If they do not support their own farmers, the latter would go out of business. This assistance – amounting to approximately three hundred billion dollars every year – increases the supply of basic agricultural products on the world market. As the price of agricultural produce is lowered, it is the poor nations that are hurt. In other words, the average cow in the European Union receives a daily subsidy of more than two U. S. dollars, and this figure is greater than the daily wage of twenty percent of the world’s population (Kaplan & Calzonetti 2005). Although Blinder (2006) is correct to state that the developed world would have to deal with tremendous change if â€Å"offshore outsourcing†is highly popularized in the coming years, it is not the rich world that requires help at this point in any case. Moreover, by mostly considering the changes that the rich world would have to experience, there is no way that economists would be able to convince the developed nations to effectively work with the developing nations. Therefore, it is essential to popularize offshore outsourcing by describing the benefits that both the developed and the developing world would accrue by means of it. After all, the developed world is in an excellent position to grant more jobs to people in the developing world. It would certainly be a win-win situation.Furthermore, it would help to bridge the widening gap between the haves and the have-nots, thereby ensuring sustainable development too. REFERENCES Bhagwati, JN 2004, In Defense of Globalization, Oxford University Press, New York. Blinder, AS 2006, ‘Offshoring: The Next Industrial Revolution? ,’ Foreign Affairs, Mar/Apr 2006, available at http://www. foreignaffairs. org/20060301faessay85209-p0/alan-s-blinder/offshoring-the-next-industrial-revolution. html. Friedman, TL 2000, The Lexus and the Olive Tree: Understanding Globalization, Anchor Books, New York. Hacher, S 2007, ‘Argentina Water Privatization Scheme Runs Dry,’ Global Policy Forum, 26 Feb 2007, available at http://globalpolicy. igc. org/socecon/bwi=wto/wbank/2004/0226argwater. htm. Kaplan, E, & Calzonetti, C 2005, ‘The WTO’s Troubled ‘Doha Negotiations,’ Council on Foreign Relations, 9 Dec 2005, available at http://www. cfr. org/index. html. Pandey, G 2006, ‘India Tightens Child Labor Laws,’ BBC News, 10 Oct 2006, available at http://news. bbc. co. uk/2/hi/default. stm.
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