Saturday, January 25, 2020
The Comparison Between Martin Luther And John Calvin Religion Essay
The Comparison Between Martin Luther And John Calvin Religion Essay The 16th century was marked by two great leaders, Martin Luther and John Calvin, who represented the stepping stones for the Protestant Reformation. Both these men were against the Roman Catholic Church and had different views on religion and how it should be seen. Luther and Calvin had a very similar protestant based theologies. Calvins admiration for Luther is evident because he refers to him as an apostle [1] . Luther was the founder of a group which is today known as the Lutherans. Both were very similar and at the same time different, each of them influenced Europe in a way. Calvin even influenced colonies of New England. Without them, contradicting the church, Protestantism would probably not be seen around the world. Martin Luther and John Calvin had similar concepts of faith and justification towards God, which in consequence became Luther and Calvins main currency of soul salvation. The Sermon on Good Works was Luthers first piece of writing which he writes about how only faith, not good works, benefits the soul for salvation. Luther realized that good works was not the path to take for forgiveness of sins, when he decided to achieve forgiveness by fasting many days and abstaining from sleep, but nothing happened. So from then on he discovered the bible, and found great guidance from it. He also believed that it is impossible to obey all of the proscriptions of the Old Testament thereby mercy from God and faith is the only way to salvation. Good works do not make a good man, but a good man does good works; Bad works do not make a bad man, but a bad man does bad works, [2] (Wogaman p111) wrote Luther, in summary of Paul. He not only said that good works were imperfect and useless, but also declared that they were sinful acts. Thus we sin even when we do good, unless God through Christ covers this imperfection and does not impute it to us [3] (Luther p276). Not only does Luther say this but also Calvins idea of faith can be seen when he says All we assign to man is that, by his impurity he pollutes and contaminates the very works which were good. The most perfect thing which proceeds from man is always polluted by some stain. Should the Lords therefore bring to judgment the best of human works, he would indeed behold his own righteousness in them; but he would also behold mans dishonour and disgrace [4] (Westminster Confession). Calvin also believed that human nature was tainted and that people could do good works but no amount of good works would be enough to earn salvation. The grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ alone is the only way for redemption of sin, was Calvins belief. Calvin greatly believed good works were useful, if done to help our neighbour. Calvin and Luther had mostly the same view of good works and salvation. Calvins theology was for the most part similar and on the same path as Luthers, Calvin was on the same side as Luther for the thought that the authority and ways of life of Christians were to be followed from the Scriptures and that it was not the Church itself that would tell the people what to do, but instead it would be the Scriptures, because everyone could read it them. They had a Christ centered theology. The Scriptures were to be read as it is and not to try and find the hidden meanings. They both believed that that Church was born from the Scriptures and not the way around [5] . Luther and Calvin both denounce the Pope and the churches for the used the money to create and beautify what they had instead of following the what Christ really wanted from them, which was to live in the simplest form and educated others. They both had similar view of justification to god by faith. Luther thought that no good works were enough to reach salvation. Calvin had the idea that there was two group of people; the Elect and the non-Elect, which were chosen by God to be saved or not. Predestination was a key idea in Calvins theology. He believed everything was already planned before even you were born. Luther believed that the state and the church should be separated. The state should have all the power. While on the other hand Calvin believed that the state and the church should not be subject to one another and vice versa. Calvin had restore Geneva, The power of the sword and other parts of civil jurisdiction that bishops and priests had wrested from the magistrate [6] (Bouwsma p204) were given back to the king. Calvins ideas and theology has survived in communities in American history. The things that have been kept in notion from his works are to have a good work ethic and strong sense of family values. Calvin has influenced many fields like economics, politics, physical sciences and more [7] . Calvins religious movement has influenced the economic thinking and behaviour of people such as Max Weber, R.H. Tawney and Talcott Parsons. They believed that Calvinistic beliefs and capitalism were connected. They called this functional fit [8] . Max Weber believes that Calvinism perhaps helped build an elective affinity for the development of capitalism, while on the other hand Tawny suggested the opposite. He thought that the Calvinist theology was adopted in capitalistic societies for this theology provided ideological explanations for economics practices which were considered morally questionable, such as interest in money [9] . Many may think that religion and scientific p rogress were not connected or had no relation between them, but some sociologist say that Calvinist had a strong impact for scientific research and development [10] . Calvinism, which came from John Calvin, was also a changing point for the form of government thats present in our society. The American political structure was mostly copied from the British, while most of their government ideas had a Calvinistic sense [11] . Calvinism is also to blame for causing problems and it is thought that maybe Calvinistic thought contributed to a mindset which caused the Holocaust [12] . Martin Luther perhaps didnt affect as many sectors of life but he was the one who influenced John Calvin for his works. Luther had a great impact, for he was the first person to make the Bible available to all people. He also influenced Europe to see religious thoughts in a different way and most of all, he was responsible for weakening the Churchs power [13] . Both theologies from Luther and Calvin are different and similar. Each of them are within the new Protestant paradigm, Luthers theology is with the individual person who is justified by faith, and for which such a person, good works naturally flow. Calvins theology contrasts the glory of God with the depravity of man, and is more skeptical of the ability of the justified man to perform good works. Similarities in there Reformation essentials are more influential then their differences. Calvin was given the Reforming baton from Luther and his theology was created from Luthers. Both these men were used by God to restore the Gospel to His church [14] . Word count 1300
Friday, January 17, 2020
Disclosure Analysis Paper
Individual – Disclosure Analysis Paper ACC 422 Intermediate Financial Accounting II February 25, 2013 Toys â€Å"R†Us, Inc. is the company that I will analyze. To analyze the disclosures of the company’s financial statement is important because it allows one to understand the position of the company. Toys â€Å"R†Us is one largest in the world toy retailers offering a selection of toys and baby products for families around the world. For more than 60 years, Toys â€Å"R†Us has been an all-time favorite for kids and grown-ups with many kinds of toys, games, learning aids, electronics, apparel and furniture.Merchandise is sold in 872 Toys â€Å"R†Us and Babies â€Å"R†Us stores in the United States and Puerto Rico and in more than 645 international stores and over 150 licensed stores in 35 countries and jurisdictions (About Toy â€Å"R†Us Corporate). One category to analyze is cash and cash equivalents which are the most liq uid current assets. On the statement of cash flows, cash has a much broader definition than just seeing it as cash on hand and cash in the bank. It cash equivalents plays an important role within. Cash equivalents are short-term investments that are easily converted to cash but treated like cash.In the third quarter, Toys â€Å"R†Us showed $2. 3 billion of liquidity which included cash and cash equivalents of about $399 million and available lines of credit that totals about $1. 9 billion. The amount of cash used in the operating activities totaled to $449 million which was lower than the previous year (About Toy â€Å"R†US Corporate). Toy â€Å"R†Us along with other companies is responsible for disclosing components of cash and cash equivalents along totals from the cash flow statement with the equivalent items showing in the balance sheet.Extraordinary items, interest and dividends, taxes on income and foreign currency cash flows and non-cash transaction sh ould be disclosed separately. Accounts receivable is another short-term liquid asset that results from credit sales to customers. Credit is offered to increase sales, uncollectible accounts associated with credit sales should be charged as expenses in the period in which the sales are made. A small number of customers account for a large share of Toy â€Å"R†US net sales and accounts receivable. Toy â€Å"R†Us receivables in 2012 are $236 million. Total current receivables make up 4. 6 percent of total assets for the year.Accounts and other receivables consist primarily of receivables from vendor allowances and consumer credit card and debit card transactions. The accounts receivable turnover compares the level of receivables with sales. Its allowance for doubtful accounts reduced to 2. 9 million in fiscal year 2011 to 2012. Toy â€Å"R†Us capital expenditure plays a major role of it long term toy and juvenile strategy (Toys â€Å"R†Us, Inc. ). By the end of the quarter the company had about $2 billion of liquidity, including cash and cash equivalents of about $6 million and unused available for lines of credit totaling $1 billion.Inventory is another current asset of a company. Inventory represents items held for resale that will go into the manufacturing of goods to be sold. Toy â€Å"R†Us financial disclosures states that the inventory balances of $3,551 on October 27, 2012 and $2,232 million on January 28, 2012. This financial disclosure wants investors to know that inventory on this statement were at completion. Toys â€Å"R†Us offers customers the Toys R Us Credit Cards, both by GE Capital Retail Bank.Toy â€Å"R†Us maintains disclosure controls and procedures that are designed to ensure and maintain information that is required to be disclosed in the financial reporting. The purpose of the disclosures notes to the financial reporting presents information which cannot be presented on income statemen t, balance sheet and statement of cash flows. Analyzing the disclosures contained within the notes to the financial statements is mainly conducted in order to identify the company financial performances, such as, cash and cash equivalents, receivables and its inventory.Toy â€Å"R†Us wants to be committed to maintaining and conducting its business with integrity ensuring that each asset, liability, expense and other transaction are disclosed accurately. The disclosure analysis defines whether or not the company under analysis is a good or bad investment for the company interested in acquisition (ehow. com). References Kieso, D. E. , Weygandt, J. J. , & Warfield, T. D. (2010). Intermediate accounting (13th ed. ). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. About US – Toy â€Å"R†Us Corporate, retrieved February 25, 2013 from http://www. toysrusinc. com How to Write a Disclosure Analysis Paper | eHow. com
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Dr. King s Speech - 986 Words
On August 28, 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. the great Civil Rights activist, delivered one of the most powerful, influential, and famous speeches, I Have a Dream, to thousands of citizens at the Washington D.C. Lincoln Memorial. Dr. King s memorable speech occurred in a dire moment of the Civil Rights movement. His argumentative speech persuaded people in opposition to civil rights by using different methods of rhetorical appeal. Dr. King s speech was so interesting, because of the combination of rhetorical appeal styles he uses, such as ethos, logos, and pathos. A method of persuasion Dr. King uses in his speech to establish credibility and gain the trust of his audience, is known as ethos. With the subject of his speech being Civil Rights and equality, Dr. King needed to establish his credibility as a Civil Rights leader, and proponent of equal rights. Throughout his speech he brilliantly implemented forms of credibility by citing credible sources that his audience could relat e to. Dr. King begins his speech by citing a credible source when he says, Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the Emancipation Proclamation (King par. 1). In this sentence Dr. King immediately attempts to establish his credibility by citing a famous politician who signed the document that paved the way to the abolishment of slavery, that politician was Abraham Lincoln. Later in his speech Dr. King takes a religious approach that much ofShow MoreRelatedDr. King s Speech913 Words  | 4 PagesIn 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King Junior delivered a speech on civil rights in the midst of segregated America. Dr. King begins by recounting the historical events surrounding the enslavement of African Americans, which effectively paves the way for his discussion on current events. He states that the African American is still ‘not free’ because of the unequal rights/status given to them. Dr. King instructs the followers of t he movement to proceed peacefully. He also contends with those opposeRead MoreDr. Martin Luther King Jr s Speech970 Words  | 4 Pages What makes Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s speech so important till this day? It’s ability to still move people. Dr. King Jr. was one of the best speakers of his time during the Civil Rights Movement. He wrote many distinguished works, two of them being his I Have a Dream Speech and his letter, Letters from Birmingham. Letters from Birmingham Jail was written from jail after he was shortly arrested for attempting to share his views with clergymen on this racial injustice. Dr. King delivered his I HaveRead MoreDr. King s I Have A Dream Speech1170 Words  | 5 Pagesadvance Washington monument wherever Dr. Theologian King gave the famed â€Å"I Have a Dream†speech, that was recognized for collecting supporters of integration and prompted the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Dr. King’s speech was staggeringly vital throughout thi s era and these days, as a result of he spoke concerning the injustices of racism, segregation, and discrimination of African Americans during this nation, that still exist these days. Dr. King knew his speech would resonate and serve a purpose forRead MoreDr. Martin Luther King s Speech1127 Words  | 5 PagesIn Dr. Martin Luther King’s speech, â€Å"Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence†, King asserts that the war in Vietnam is a â€Å"symptom†(7) of a much larger disease that affects the â€Å"American spirit†(7). The disease King mentions is causing destruction where ever it is found, and in the case of the Vietnam war, it has led to their oppression and the death of people. In the section, Strange Liberators, King states, â€Å"They move sadly and apathetically as we heard them off the land of their fathers intoRead MoreDr. Martin Luther King s Speech1318 Words  | 6 PagesAugust 28 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King delivered his infamous spee ch â€Å"I Have a Dream†to America. His dream highlighted the injustices of segregation and discrimination of African Americans that took place in this nation every single day. Dr. King inspired thousands despite the color of their skin, to take a stance against racism, with his powerful way with words. In his speech MLK efficaciously uses, Ethos, Pathos, and Logos by using allusions, developing credibility, in his speech to persuade allRead MoreKing s Speech By Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.999 Words  | 4 Pages â€Å"I Have a Dream†one of the most popular speeches in history was written by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., an African American preacher. He directs his speech to two main groups of people. The first group being those listening to the speech, and the second being those who are just around the area where he is delivering his speech. King’s speech is focusing on the civil rights of the African American citizens. He talks about how poorly the other people have treated them. He uses historical documentationRead MoreDr. Martin Luther King s I Have A Dream Speech1696 Words  | 7 PagesDr. Martin Luther King’s â€Å"I Have a Dream†speech has served as inspiration to multiple generations in the 52 years since his words were spoken. Individuals and groups have rallied behind his message of equality and peace and quoted this speech countless times in an attempt to further Dr. King’s dream of bringing racial injustice to an end. In this speech, which wa s delivered as the culmination of the March for Jobs in 1962, Dr. King addressed nearly 250,000 people to bring awareness to the injusticesRead MoreObservations On The s I Have A Dream Speech By Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.881 Words  | 4 Pagesyears ago, Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his I Have a Dream Speech on the Washington Mall 47 years ago, and Mother Teresa was born a century ago. Monday: Katrina; Tuesday: I Have a Dream; Today: Mother Teresa After spending a great deal of time on and devoting a good deal of space to the two previous subjects in this series on recent anniversaries, 2005 s devastating Hurricane Katrina and the world-changing 1963 I Have a Dream speech by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., I had looked forwardRead MoreAnalysis of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.s I Have A Dream Speech619 Words  | 3 Pages28, 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered one of the most famous speeches of all time to an audience of more than 200,000 civil rights supporters on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. In his, â€Å"I have a dream†speech, King addressed his encouragement of white and black people working together to achieve racial peace and harmony. He especially wanted to teach the young blacks that equality could be gained through the use of non-violence. The main reason King used nonviolenceRead Moreâ€Å"a Comparison of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’S ‘I Have a Dream’ Speech and ‘Letter from a Birmingham Jail’†.1444 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"A Comparison of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s ‘I Have a Dream’ speech and ‘Letter from a Birmingham Jail’†. 9% Similarity Born in Atlanta Georgia in 1929, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., conceivably lived as one of the greatest social and religious leaders in a country where a group of its citizens had to endure excruciating conditions of disenfranchisement, inferiority and degradation of a second class citizenship by reasons of race, color or origin. In effort to condemn all
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
DeviantART The Impact on the Art World Essays - 1226 Words
DeviantART (also known as dA) is a website widely known as an online art market to artists today as a place to showcase or sell their artworks. The site made it possible for artists to upload their original artworks for the public to see and perhaps for other to purchase. The deviantART community has dramatically influenced many contemporary artists to now rely on the use of an online gallery to both display and sell their works as opposed to depending of a gallery in the offline world. deviantART has caused a shift in the way the economy revolves around the art market and art world. This is by its adoption into the art world, its uses and its effects on the art market. A major source that will be majority referenced on will be a interview†¦show more content†¦This could not be done in the offline world or in the past since the artwork would not have been very flexible. DeviantART and Career Users may had adopted deviantART due to its massive selection of art or perhaps it was because it could be a replacement for an art marketplace. Usually, when artists wants to showcase their artworks, they would have to be a fee that must be paid by both the artist and the attendee in order for the work to be shown. In contrast, dA has provided an online space that artist do not have to pay commissions for to display their works (Zontea, 2010, p. 129), and anyone is able to view their works for free. In Salah et als article (2012) DeviantART in Spolight: A Network of Artists, which was a section about deviantART, they estimated that in the year 2010, about 13 million members, some of the members are passive users (Salah et al, 2012, p. 486) were online. Another benefit of using dA is that it can lead the artists to new heights. In the article, DeviantArt gives artist online path to stardom, written by Graham Jefferson (2011) it describes how an artist was able to jump from being a random user posing his artwork on dA to publishing a book on his work and finally to having his book turn into the movie, Last Man Standing (Jefferson, 2011, p. 4). This example has shown the public that dA can act as a starting ground for artists to start their career path and with theShow MoreRelatedThe Censorship Of Internet Censorship3057 Words  | 13 Pagesgovernment. It can be a government’s initiative is or carried out by regulators. Organizations and individuals may practice self-censorship for religious, business or moral reasons to comply with societal norms, out of fear of consequences such as legal impact, or owing to intimidation. The degree of cyberspace censorship differs on a nation-to-nations basis. Most democratic nations have moderate cyberspace censorship. Other nations go as far as to restrict the information accessibility; they suppress discussion
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